WLTC Photo Stories
Mina Sutradhar
Mina Sutradhar is a woman leader from the Chirang district in Assam.
Having worked with women all my life, I can say from experience that women have always made sacrifices their entire life for the betterment of others. The sacrifices made by a mother, a daughter or a daughter-in-law are all the same. Ever since you’re born a woman, you are expected to do household chores. We never have any leisure time. This lack of privacy and free time further prevents us from realising our own personal problems. Women hardly get a chance to express their feelings. This is one of the reasons why gender gap continues to exist and women’s issues are hard to resolve.
However, it was still a very good experience talking to these women. They never identified their daily difficulties as problems and instead took them as responsibilities. They participated enthusiastically in our conversations and paid close attention to the ideas we were sharing. These are some of my small but significant memories from the project.
Photo series co-ordinated by Banamallika Choudhury of Women’s Leadership Training Centre (WLTC) and Sampurna Das a doctoral student at the Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi.
WLTC is a feminist organisation based in Assam, working towards gender and social equality. It focuses on enhancing women’s capacities and creating space and opportunity for women (cis and trans) to take decision-making and leadership positions within families, communities, in governance and politics.